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As a school,  we are delighted to be taking part in the OPAL programme.  OPAL stands for Outdoor Play And Learning.  It is a mentor supported school improvement programme that acknowledges the importance of play to children’s learning. It recognises the benefits of play on children’s social, physical and emotional wellbeing.  20% of children’s time at school is spent at playtime.  Therefore, we believe it is essential that we optimise this time to ensure that quality play opportunities are available to all children.

At South Wonston, we are very lucky to have extensive grounds that help facilitate a range of play opportunities.  These allow children to explore, create, investigate, socialise, challenge and most importantly enjoy their playtimes. 

OPAL assemblies allow children time to celebrate their play.  Through these assemblies we can introduce new areas and resources to the whole school.  We negotiate the best way to use the equipment safely to ensure we all have happy playtimes. 

The children have helped to develop a play charter which recognises every child’s right to play and how we can support each other with this. 

So what will this bring to our school?

  • Happy children
  • Children who are ready to learn
  • More resilient children who rise to challenges
  • Inclusive play times where all children follow their interests and play styles
  • Curious children who ask What if…?  I wonder…? And Why…?
  • Positive behaviour and children who are supportive of one another

And of course...

  • Really fun playtimes!

OPAL is an ongoing journey and we will keep you updated with new developments. 

Currently, the children are thoroughly enjoying the Mud Kitchen and our new welly storage is getting plenty of use!

We have also been enjoying performing on stage. Thank you to everybody who has supported this project so far by providing resources and equipment.