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Pupil Premium

The staff and governors of South Wonston School are committed to providing an inclusive education for all pupils, including those who are socially disadvantages and those from a Service background. The school is committed to meeting all pupils’ academic, social, emotional, personal, health and cultural needs. We are committed to ensuring that all of our pupils make rates of progress at least in line of that expected of them, and that we ‘narrow the gap’ for those groups of pupils where attainment may be lower than that of their peers, both within our school and nationally.

The Pupil Premium Funding is allocated to schools based on census information detailing those children/families who have been in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the past 6 years, and children who have been under the care of the Local Authority. We would encourage you to investigate if your child is eligible for the free meal, and the Pupil Premium funding that comes with this. 

Please click here for more information

The Service Pupil Premium is allocated for children from Service families at any time in the past 6 years. It is allocated so that schools can provide mainly pastoral support during challenging times and to help mitigate the negative impact on service children of family mobility or parental deployment. Mobility is when a service family is posted from one location to another, including overseas and within the UK.  Deployment is when a service person is serving away from home for a period of time. This could be a 6 to 9 month tour of duty, a training course or an exercise, which could last for a few weeks.

The staff and governors of South Wonston School are fully committed to ensuring high quality provision and securing the best learning opportunities in order to meet the needs of all our pupils. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals, or are Children Looked after by the Local Authority, or are from Service families.

To learn how South Wonston is currently using the Pupil Premium, please view our strategy below.