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South Wonston Primary School Together, we will nurture, inspire, challenge and achieve

The Curriculum at South Wonston

We feel sure that parents share with us the belief that children should have a happy and productive time at school. Emphasis is placed upon teaching the basic skills in English and Mathematics. The school also aims to develop as fully as possible children's intellectual, social and physical skills and attitudes which will serve them best as they grow up and which will encourage a desire and capacity for lifelong learning.




  • help pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks.

  • help pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities relevant to adult life in a fast changing world, and to acquire also the will to use them.

  • help pupils to use language and number effectively.

  • to help pupils to understand the world in which they live, and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.

  • to help pupils to appreciate human achievements and aspirations.

  • to instill respect for religions and moral values, tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life, and to help them towards a reasoned set of attitudes, values and beliefs.


The school addresses these aims through specific policies which guide the way the school operates and how the curriculum is delivered.

Polices are available from the school office should you wish to view them.


We use a variety of teaching methods to suit individual children, the whole class and the subject area of the curriculum. Children are given work to match their ability and ensure they receive appropriate challenge. Children with identified Special Educational Needs are supported by Teaching Assistants in the classroom.


Teaching Time:


The schools teaching week is 22hours 55 minutes. This time does not include time for registration, collective worship or breaks.



All children in school follow the National Curriculum programme of study.

The National Curriculum is divided into core and foundation subjects.


Core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science,

Foundation Subjects: Computing, Religious Education, Design Technology, History, Geography, Art & Design, Music, PE & Relationship and Sex Education(RSE), PHSE and French


The curriculum is delivered in a variety of ways:

  • whole class teaching

  • group teaching

  • individual teaching

  • guided exploration

  • independent self directed activities


Teachers ensure that there is a balance between the introduction of new ideas, skills and knowledge and the reinforcement, practice and repetition of what has previously been taught.


The National Curriculum forms the basis for Curriculum planning throughout the school. The core subjects of Maths, English and Science are the main priority with the children gaining a basic knowledge and skills in all other subject areas. Our enquiry based approach to curriculum planning aims to maximize cross-curricular links.


In Yr R the children continue their learning in the Foundation Stage through the Early Learning Goals with activities planned to meet each child’s educational needs. This prepares them for the National Curriculum usually when they begin Yr 1 but may be sooner. The emphasis on individual needs continues throughout the school and is reflected in the School’s Policies.

Through the National Curriculum the children are expected to acquire skills and knowledge and to develop into self-motivated learners. We aim to develop the whole child emotionally, socially, spiritually and academically.

At the start of each half term parents are provided with a brief outline of the topics and areas of study the children will be cover.

Careful assessments and records are kept of your child’s attainment and progress. You are kept as fully informed as possible through parent interviews and the end of year annual report. Further information and appointments are provided as and when necessary. A copy of the school’s most recent National Assessment results with comparative national data can be found on our website.

Throughout the school, home learning plays a developing role in supporting the children’s schoolwork and learning. Children are expected to:

     -  read regularly at home, ideally every day.

    -   practice their phonic skills

    -   practice times tables and weekly spellings

    -   complete a weekly maths 


At the beginning of each school year (or when a child joins the school) they are given a Home/School Planner. There is clear guidance on any homework set as well as a place to record the books your child has read in the planner.

To support and enrich the curriculum there are number of special events and visitors into school each year. Focused study weeks provide opportunities for more in-depth study of a particular topic and a chance for the whole school to celebrate their learning together. Visitors are able to share their expertise and show the children the relevance of their learning in the outside world.




The teaching of English encompasses reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, drama, speaking and listening. English is taught daily throughout the school. We use a learning journey approach, which has a stimulus at the core of the unit. This is normally a rich text, however it can also use a short film or music to inspire and engage. The journey starts through a stimulate and generate approach, giving the children the opportunity to explore the themes and think creatively. All writing has a purpose in mind and children are encouraged to consider their audience; in upper KS2 they also consider their viewpoint. The journey then continues to focus on any grammatical elements and how to structure their piece of writing, using a ‘what a good one looks like’ (WAGOLL) as an example. After these stages of the writing journey, children will create their own piece of work and be able to apply what they have been taught. The final element of their writing toolkit will include knowing how to edit and improve their work.


We teach cursive handwriting and aim for all children to be joining their handwriting by Yr 3 if not before.

We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Scheme to teach phonics and early reading skills. In Yr R and KS1 phonics is taught in ability groups for 20 minutes each day.

Our approach to spelling in KS2 is through a class scheme and we focus on the necessary rules for that particular year group. Children are given twenty words around a particular rule and tested randomly on ten of these words. The spelling rule will have been taught that week and there will be appropriate activities, support and exploration into the rule to help it become embedded into everyday writing.



Children are encouraged to read at least four times a week and have access to a well stocked library and class book corners. South Wonston School promote a love for reading and staff share their passion through class stories and discussions about authors and books in reading assemblies.

A theatre group visits the school each year so that the children have the opportunity to enjoy live performances.

Through concerts, musical productions, poetry and class assemblies all children are involved in performing to audiences.

We also arrange authors to visit and engage with our school as often as possible.



Mathematics is an essential part of a balanced curriculum that is both challenging and reasonable. All learners should become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and should be able to reason mathematically and solve problems by the application of their mathematical understanding. We endeavour to ensure that children develop an enthusiastic and creative attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Mastery for ALL is our belief at South Wonston. Mastery is an ethos and an approach for excellent learning. It is therefore our belief that everyone can master maths At South Wonston we teach maths daily, primarily following the White Rose Maths program, teaching across three terms in blocks to deepen understanding. Teachers draw on a range of resources to create the best possible learning environment for our pupils, moving the children from the stages of concrete to pictorial and lastly to abstract. Consolidation weeks are also built into each term to revisit outcomes that have been identified as needing further development.

Reasoning is a part of every lesson, and the use of talk partners, enables the children to verbalise and discuss their understanding. Working Walls in each classroom allow the children to ‘explore’ maths, then for ‘clarification’ to take place, and lastly the children’s ‘application’ of their learning. Teachers are encouraged to use innovative and creative lesson formats to engage pupils.



The science curriculum provides children with a progression of skills in observation, prediction, hypothesising, fair testing, seeking and recording evidence, interpreting results and drawing conclusions. The wide range of practical scientific investigations and demonstrations that the children experience are designed to help them develop a wide knowledge of scientific principles that helps them make sense of everything around them.

Longitudinal studies in YR-5 are carried out across the school year.


Religious Education

Religious Education aims to develop the spiritual side of each child. Children develop knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith whilst appreciating other religions within our society. Throughout their time at South Wonston the children’s learning focuses on finding out about aspects of Hinduism, Judaism and Islam as comparisons to Christianity. The children are encouraged to develop an attitude of caring, co-operation and appreciation of others.

Religious Education is taught following the Hampshire County Council "Living Difference" scheme of work.


The school has a Computer suite containing 30 desktop computers which are linked to the Internet, allowing us to both teach computer skills and to use them to support other areas of the curriculum. Each class uses this suite for at least 1 hour each week. The school has a wide range of Educational and PC software as well as a range of other equipment: Beebots (Programmable toys) and digital cameras to support the use of computing in the curriculum. Each class has an Interactive Whiteboard panel which is used by the teacher and pupils during lessons. In order to support their learning further the children have access to Purple Mash both at school and at home. 


Learning about the past and the methods used to study it helps pupils make sense of the world in which they live. They are introduced to what is involved in understanding and interpreting the past and this helps them to establish their own ideas, beliefs and values and to form an understanding as to why the world is as it is. As well as developing knowledge of the past the children learn historical skills which help them understand and interpret historical information. The History curriculum is taught following a programme which includes first hand experiences provided by school visits and speakers which enrich the learning. Where appropriate, cross-curricular links such as ICT and drama help to consolidate the pupils’ understanding.

Geography is taught through topics that focus on environmental issues, the study of places and the human and physical processes, which shape them and the people who live in them. Skills and knowledge are taught through first -hand experience wherever possible allowing children to develop appropriate fieldwork skills.


Design and Technology

Throughout Key Stages 1 and 2 children complete design and technology projects in materials, textiles, food and control mechanisms. These projects provide opportunities for the children to design and make products, learn and develop practical skills and investigate and evaluate simple products. South Wonston School has a kitchen area available for use by the children.


Art and Design

We aim to develop each child’s creativity and imagination through a range of visual, tactile and sensory experiences. These opportunities help them to understand and respond to the world by expressing their ideas and feelings.
In Key Stage 1 the children begin to develop an understanding of colour, form, texture and pattern through a variety of media including paint, clay, textiles, and sculpture. During Key Stage 2 children build on their knowledge, skills and understanding of materials and processes through a wide range of experiences including visits to art galleries, museums and workshops. By exploring the ideas and meaning of the work of other artists, craftspeople and designers they learn about their different roles and about the functions of art, craft and design in their own lives and in different times and cultures.


Children across Key Stage 1 and 2 have a class music lesson each week. All children have the opportunity to listen to and learn to sing a wide variety of songs from around the world. Appreciating the efforts of others and performing in front of an audience is actively encouraged.

Across the school we use the 'Charanga' Music Scheme of work. The learning within this Scheme is based on: Listening and Appraising Musical Activities — creating and exploring Singing, Playing Instruments and Performing. 

In addition to class music lessons there are opportunities for children to learn to play brass, string, wind instruments, keyboard or the drums. Tuition is provided by peripatetic teachers who visit the school each week. Children do not normally begin learning an instrument until they are in Yr 3. There is a charge for these lessons.

We celebrate children's music achievements in a number of ways:

-   class assemblies to parents  where the class showcases their learning from their weekly music lesson

-   Whole school assemblies where children are invited to perform for their peers

-   An end of year Musical Concert where any child who wishes to perform can take part. We include those who        have lessons out side of school if they would like to perform.


We organize opportunities across the year for the children to hear live music in whole school assemblies.  For example:

-  our peripatetic music teachers perform individually, showcasing music for their particular instrument.

- group performances from Hampshire Music Services Teachers.

- an annual Theatre production which takes place during the Autumn term

- Children attend Hampshire Music Services events where schools from across the county come together to perform with an orchestra   eg 'The Big Sing'  at the Anvil Theatre.



In Key Stage 2 the children are introduced to the French language through a weekly lesson. We base the lessons around the ilanguage scheme of Work which encourages the children to use both the spoken and written French language.


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Careful attention is given to Personal, Social and Health Education. Aspects of children’s safety, health and personal development are studied through schemes and involves liaison with outside bodies such as the Police, Health Authority and various Charities. Children are taught about aspects of personal care and to have an awareness of the dangers of today’s society. Citizenship and having respect for one another, different cultures and diversity, is an important part of this education and is explored through a variety of activities including the School Council. The School Council is made up of representative children from Yr 1 to Yr 6, elected by their peers. They meet regularly with members of staff to discuss school issues.


Special Educational Needs (SEND)

At South Wonston School, pupils with Special Educational Needs are identified with regard to the 2015 'Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice' and our policy is based on the following legislation:

  • Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014, which sets out schools’ responsibilities for pupils with SEN and disabilities.

  • The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, which set out schools’ responsibilities for education, health and care (EHC) plans, SEN co-ordinators (SENCOs) and the SEN information report.


The SEN policy is updated annually and the special needs provision is reviewed in order that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to meet their needs and ensures inclusion. At South Wonston School the children with special needs are supported by a hardworking and committed team. By working in partnership with parents and carers we aim to give children the support and encouragement needed for them to make progress and enjoy a fully inclusive education.


As part of this process, Pupil Support Plans (PSP's) are written for identified children where teachers complete provision support maps which show how children's individual needs are catered for within the classroom.  Support for children is provided in a variety of ways; one to one with a teacher or Teaching Assistant (TA), in small groups within the class or in withdrawal groups. Where appropriate outside agencies e.g. Educational Psychology Service, Speech Therapy Service, Occupational Therapist, etc. are involved in supporting children with special needs. During the summer term children in YR are screened for possible future specific difficulties with reading.  Any child identified as needing additional support will follow an individual, supplementary phonics programme led by a TA.

We recognise the need to provide differentiated levels of work for all children according to their abilities and attainment. In every class teachers plan their lessons to cater for the needs of all the children. Where necessary this includes supplementing work with extension activities to meet the needs of the more able. Children in Y6 also regularly attend enrichment sessions run by Henry Beaufort our linked secondary school.


The SEN Coordinator (SENCO) at South Wonston School is Mrs. Carter.


PE and Games

Physical Education and Games are an important part of the school curriculum. All children are expected to take part in an indoor gym or dance session and an outdoor games session each week, unless there are special circumstances. All children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of physical activities to the best of their ability. They are taught why exercise is important and how they should maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Building on their enthusiasm for movement Key Stage 1 children begin to work with others in pairs and small groups. By listening, watching and experimenting with movement and ideas they develop their skills co-ordination and ball and racket skills. In Key Stage 2, children learn new skills, find out how to use them in different ways, and link them to make actions, phrases and sequences of movement. Children are encouraged to enjoy both collaborating and competing with each other, learning how to evaluate and recognise their own and others’ success.


Children in Yr 4 participate in swimming lessons. The aim is for them to be able to swim 25m before leaving Primary School. These lessons usually take place in the Autumn  term. 


For Year 6 children leaving us in July 2018, 90.9% of them achieved the required level of the swimming curriculum.


Competitive sports are encouraged with children participating against each other, against other local schools and in area tournaments in School teams.

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities that are usually held after school. 

We offer netball, football, gymnastics, Street dance, karate and tennis. 


Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

The school has a programme of Relationship and Sex Education. Human reproduction is covered in the context of secure, loving family relationships, the teaching about which is matched to the growing awareness and understanding of the children in Years 3 – 6. When these particular units come around, parents will be notified by letter in advance and have the opportunity to discuss any aspects with the teacher.
